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About Us

The St. Lucia Teachers’ Union was formed on August 9th, 1934 under the presidency of Mr. Henry J. Belizaire. At the time he was the Principal of the St. Aloysius R. C. Boys’ Primary School.

The objectives of the St. Lucia Teachers’ Union are:

  1. To unite all the teachers of St. Lucia into a common association.
  2. To obtain and maintain just and proper wages, terms and conditions of employment and generally to protect the interest of members. To provide for members legal and / or other advice and assistance when and where necessary in connection with their employment.
  3. To examine, promote and / or comment on any and all legislation and regulations affecting THE UNION, and / or its members both as teachers and as citizens.
  4. To promote and advance the case of social justice through education.
  5. To work towards the elimination of illiteracy within the shortest possible time.
  6. To afford the government and Education Authorities the benefit of teachers’ collective ideas, opinions and experiences on educational social and cultural matters.
  7. To work towards the establishment and maintenance of a relevant domestic system of education which allows teachers and students the opportunity to participate in the decision making processes.
  8. To create institutions within THE UNION that will improve and ensure the social, economic, professional and cultural welfare of teachers.
  9. To seek to exert the influence of teachers on matters of national importance.
  10. To establish, carry on or participate in the business of printing or publishing newspapers, journals, books, pamphlets or other publications that are in agreement with the aims of the union.
  11. To regulate relations and to settle disputes between members, members and employer and between members and other workers by amicable agreements whenever possible.
  12. To establish and maintain relations with Teachers’ Organizations and Trade Unions locally, regionally and internationally, and to promote the Trade Union Movement.

‍Our Logo

The picture in the emblem is two- fold. - The two black faces which face each other signify the fraternity and equality which exist among all teachers. Each head holds the brain which determines the teacher’s intellectual, spiritual and social capability.

 - In another light the two faces form a golden chalice which contains liberation which is the essence of all our aspirations. The joined hands represent unity and the workforce which depend on the mental or intellectual ability of all teachers. 

We are St Lucia's Educators

Meet our Executive Members

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Vern Charles
Troy Nestor
First Vice President
Kim Gaston
Second Vice President
Vernetta John
General Secretary
Sherene Saltibus
Deputy General Secretary
Schaeffer Sylvester

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